- ask smb in
- попросить кого-либо войти
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
ask\ for — v informal To make (something bad) likely to happen to you; bring (something bad) upon yourself. Charles drives fast on worn out tires; he is asking for trouble. The workman lost his job, but he asked for it by coming to work drunk several times … Словарь американских идиом
Front smb. — to ask smb. what he hides … Dictionary of Australian slang
front smb. — Australian Slang to ask smb. what he hides … English dialects glossary
serve\ smb\ right — v. phr. To be what (someone) really deserves as a punishment; be a fair exchange for what (someone) has done or said or failed to do or say. He failed his exam; it served him right because he had not studied. Bob said it served Sally right when… … Словарь американских идиом
question — I n. query 1) to ask (smb.) a question; to ask a question of smb. 2) to address, pose, put a question to smb. 3) to bring up, raise a question 4) to answer, field, reply to, respond to a question (the senator fielded all questions expertly) 5) to … Combinatory dictionary
door — n. 1) to hang a door 2) to close, shut; lock; open; slam; unlock a door 3) to break down, force a door 4) to knock on a door 5) the door is ajar; closed; locked; open; unlocked 6) a back; double; French (AE; BE has French window); front, main;… … Combinatory dictionary
put the bite on — (smb) ask for money or favors He is always trying to put the bite on his friends to collect money for charity … Idioms and examples
show the door — (smb) ask someone to go away When he started yelling in the restaurant he was quickly shown the door … Idioms and examples
charge — I n. accusation 1) to bring, level, make a charge; to prefer, press charges 2) to concoct, cook up, fabricate, trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her) 3) to prove, substantiate a charge 4) to face a charge 5) to dismiss,… … Combinatory dictionary
hand — I n. part of the arm below the wrist 1) to shake smb. s hand; to shake hands with smb. 2) to clasp, grab, grasp; take smb. s hand 3) to hold; join hands 4) to lay one s hands on 5) to cup one s hands 6) to clap one s hands 7) to wring one s hands … Combinatory dictionary
leave — I n. period of absence from duty, work 1) to give, grant a leave 2) to extend smb. s leave 3) to go on leave; to take a leave 4) to overstay one s leave 5) to cancel smb. s leave 6) an annual; compassionate; maternity; research; sabbatical;… … Combinatory dictionary